Saturday, January 3, 2009

Mission event in 2012 to substitute for world mission conference

The Commission on World Mission and Evangelism (CWME) of the World Council of Churches (WCC) agreed to hold a mission event involving some 200 participants in mid-2012, in advance of the WCC 10th assembly to take place the following year.

The Assembly is the chief governing body of the World Council of Churches.

The Commission, which met 1-10 October in Bangalore, India intends to submit a draft mission statement to its constituency at the pre-assembly event and collect reactions to the draft. Proposals for animating a mission discussion at the 2013 WCC assembly are also expected.

The 2012 gathering will replace the Conference on World Mission and Evangelism, which traditionally takes place once in the seven years between two WCC assemblies. It had been suggested to deviate from this tradition because of another big mission event, the centenary of the first World Mission Conference, taking place in Edinburgh in 2010.

In a joint session with the WCC youth commission Echos, which met in Bangalore at the same time, commissioners discussed the possibility of a specific youth event just preceding the 2010 Edinburgh conference, intended to boost youth participation.