Saturday, January 10, 2009

Naruto Shipuden

15-year-old Naruto as he appears in Naruto Shippuuden
15-year-old Naruto as he appears in Naruto Shippuuden

What is Naruto Shippuuden?

Naruto Shippuuden (ナルト疾風伝: litterally Naruto Hurricane Chronicles) is a continuation of the anime/manga Naruto, written and drawn by Masashi Kishimoto. Naruto Shippuuden takes place approximately 2 and 1/2 years after the time the first episode of naruto took place in. It is still ongoing, although Naruto's headband is seen on a grave with Sakura and Kakashi crying next to it in the trailer for the fourth Naruto movie, which is being released in theaters August 4, 2007. The main difference between Shippuuden and Part 2 is that Shippuuden is the anime and Part 2 is the manga.