Thursday, January 15, 2009

Make Money Online Writing Article Content

In these tough economic times we are all looking for a variety of ways to earn some extra income while being able to maintain our current employment. Sure you could go out and get a second job at night or on the weekends (or whenever your “free” time is), but with websites like Bukisa and eHow, you are a few articles and a couple hours a day of your time away from making some decent extra income.

I won’t promise you that what I am about to tell you will make you a millionaire but I can tell you with some persistence, and good article content you can make some nice extra monthly spending cash. A friend of mine makes a few hundred dollars per month. She puts in about an hour to an hour and a half everyday, and if you calculate the hourly rate out it is about $10 - $12 per hour. Some months are better than others, but that is about the norm.

You might be saying that really isn’t much, but when you are only putting in about an hour to an hour and a half per day first thing in the morning before the rest of the world gets up, its time well spent that you would normally waste away. Better yet, she doesn’t have to give up her day job or make any type of life altering plans in order to accomplish this feat.

The first thing you have to understand is that in order to be successful like her you have to provide useable content. In other words giving tips on how to fix an engine block will produce more results then reading an article on why you like the color blue. You get the point.

Your article content should be no less than 400 words and no greater than 800. Any shorter and no one will take it seriously and any longer and most people will just not read it. Once you have your quality and useful content written you then submit it to websites like Bukisa and eHow (more on them in a moment) and you are paid based on the popularity of the article.

So what do you think you have to do next? You guessed it make your article popular. These websites make money based on their popularity. The more popular their website is the more money they can charge for advertising. In turn they give you a piece of that advertising since it is your content that is bringing in the visitors. Sounds logical right? Of course.

To make your article more popular, post a link to it everywhere and anywhere, on social networks such as MySpace and Facebook, to article content link networks such as Digg and Reddit. Make sure you follow their terms of service and you are not violating any rules that would be considered spam. Also let your friends know about it. Tell them to go check it out leave some comments and critique it.

That is basically it. You write an article filled with good quality content and then help promote your article. Not too far after the website will pay you for those results.

I wanted to touch on the websites I previously mentioned so you have an understanding of what they are. First, eHow is a “how to” type of website. Your article content will be written in such a way that you will be telling people in a step by step manner exactly how to accomplish something. Bukisa on the other hand allows you to upload useful article content, video, audio and photos to pass along knowledge to their readers. It is a bit more flexible with its content and one of the great benefits that I like is that you can actually build a network of other writers and everyone shares in everybody else’s content. Its like a team of writers all working together.

If you have what it takes to pass your knowledge along in a written format then you should definitely give these sites a try. You could be making a few extra bucks every month just like my friend.