Thursday, January 15, 2009

runescape membership for free

Do you want to become a Runescape member without paying from your credit card? Without giving your username and password on internet to other scammers? No worries until you have my guide to become a Runescape member just follow my simple steps.

First you need a online bank account, I prefer PayPal as it has a very sign and jagex allows to receive payment through PayPal, you do not need to give out your credit card details, to create a account on PayPal go to , click on sign up, if it asks for your credit card number click on the light yellow box ‘skip’. Congratulation now you have your own online bank account.

Now you need to find an Internet jobs that will pay you direct to your account, I will tell you some of the most useful websites.

Makethatdollar: It is a website that pays you for completing some offers like signing up on different websites and trying new products on net, it pays you 0.5$ for signing up and you will be paid at 5th of every month, you will not get credited until you give them the proof that you have really worked with them, when you will sign up on any new website you will receive confirmation E-mail, you have to copy that E-mail and paste it in the box under that advertisement banner, to sign up here log on to

Cashcrate: It is also a website that pays you for completing various kind of offers but some needs your credit card information, they pay you minimum 0.25$ for completing offers and maximum pay is 500$, but that pays you as much as 30$, you will be credited automatically but you can will not receive payment until you have 10$, to sign up here go to

Yuwie: It is also a website which pays you for completing as many offers as you can, well I have not used this website for few months, to sign up there go to

Prizerebel: It is a website that do not pays you but it will pay you for your Runescape membership for 1 whole year, you have to complete offers and when you have 10 activity points, go on ‘’claim awards’’ click on it then search for Runescape membership, then they will mail you the card number, now go on click upgrade to members and then choose jagex card then they will ask for your card’s number enter number and here you are ‘YOU ARE A RUNESCAPE MEMBER’. To sign up in this site go to:

Helium: It is a website for young writers if you are interested in writing then this website will publish your article then it will pay you. You need at least 1 rating star and 1 writing star. To get 1 writing star you must write at least 4 articles and to get 1 rating star you need at least 40 ratings in last 90 days, but you can not get your payment until you get minimum 25$, to log in here go to:

Awsurveys: It is a website that pays you 75$ for only your opinions on different websites, just take surveys write 2 or 3 lines about the website and you will be profited 1-25$ per surveys, to sign up here go to:

Donkeymails: this website pays you for clicking on advertisements you can earn 100$ per month to sign up here:

Triond: triond is also a publisher site which pays you for publishing any type of content, you have to submit your content, and then wait for your approval, now when they have approved your content it will start earning for you, to sign up here go to:

Cashkrazy: This website pays you 5$ when you sign up, but you can not take it until you complete minimum 3 offers which doesn’t require any effort, I made 66$ within 30 minutes, this website really works.

Adverbux: This website pays you for increasing traffic, you just have to click on a website and watch it for minimum 30 seconds and you get paid, or if you will chose action offers like playing games and signing up you will get paid, you can get 0.025$-0.01$ for viewing websites and for action offers you can get paid 0.1$-5$, but you can not receive your payment until you have minimum 20$

Now when you have enough money you can go to and you can become a member, if you want to earn more and more work on as many websites as you can, if My guide helped you then let me know.